3 Important Tesla Interior Cleaning Recommendations

Many proud Tesla owners prefer to clean their vehicles themselves rather than allowing strangers to do the job. Fortunately, cleaning the interior of your Tesla is easier than you think and doesn’t require a ton of time or effort. If you want to keep your Tesla in excellent condition and clean it yourself, learn these three important Tesla interior cleaning recommendations.

Vacuum Regularly

One of the best ways to keep the interior of your Tesla clean is to vacuum it regularly. Dirt, dust, and other debris can easily collect on your Tesla’s floor mats or seats. Use a handheld vacuum cleaner to gently remove dirt, crumbs, and dust from your floor mats and seats. Also, keep in mind that you should use the gentlest setting on your vacuum, usually the rug setting. This will ensure that the vacuum cleaner doesn’t damage your vehicle’s interior.

Wipe Surfaces With a Cleaning Solution

The next step is to wipe down any surfaces (except your windows) with a cleaning solution. If you have any Tesla model Y interior upgrades, you can wipe down those as well with a gentle cleaning solution. Keep in mind that detergent cleaners can damage the materials inside your Tesla, so it’s best to use a non-detergent cleaner instead.

Polish Windows With Glass Cleaner

And lastly, you can polish the inside of your windshield and windows with a streak-free glass cleaner. All you need to do is spray the cleaner on the inside of your windshield and windows and wipe them down with a microfiber cloth. Finally, allow the cleaner to dry naturally for the best results.

Final Thoughts

That’s all there is to it! After following the steps above, you’ll have a clean and beautiful interior. The next time you clean your vehicle, remember to use these important Tesla interior cleaning recommendations.

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